This is who we are
Alice Osman
Steve Bannister
Claudia Beltran
Debbie Gibbs
Jenna Ottley
Inske De Winne
About Anglia Examinations
We offer a comprehensive and structured programme of assessing English language competence, from beginner through to full competence as an expert user. This Step-by-Step approach to testing encourages and motivates students to make clear and effective progress.
Our mission is to provide expertise in the field of English language assessment, we work with educational institutions, English language schools, employers and regional governments all around the world.
Our exams are mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) which is an international standard for defining language capability. Anglia Exam’s unique Step-By-Step approach enables young learners and those new to the English language the opportunity to progress up through our exam levels to the C2 Mastery programme- for those who have truly mastered the English Language.
Anglia Examinations Syndicate Ltd. trading as Anglia Examinations, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chichester College Group, an Ofsted Outstanding FE Corporation based out of Chichester, West Sussex in the United Kingdom.
We pride ourselves on offering a professional and personalised service, operating in over 40 countries. Our partners in each country are very much part of "the Anglia family", working together to help new generations of learners to achieve proficiency in the international language of business: English.
Ours is a dedicated and tight-knit team, working together with our partners around the world to provide exemplary service and help people from all walks of life to achieve their ambitions and "Dream in English".